
Written By: Allan Slider

Updated: June 17, 2024

Q: Should My Financial Advisor Website Have an FAQ Page? A: Yes, It Should!


Bottom Line Up Front:

There are many benefits to having a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page on your Web site. A well executed FAQ page will help your visitors get the information they are looking for – and information you want them to get – all while navigating your site. As a bonus, Google loves FAQ pages as a signal that you’re a resource willing and able to answer a variety of questions surrounding your industry.  Your questions should be geared towards your target market, niche, business processes, and what prospective clients can expect from partnering with your firm.

Below are a few suggested questions and answers to help get you started, as well as a checklist of best practices for creating a stellar FAQ page.  These example Q’s and A’s are not intended for you to copy and paste, but rather use as inspiration to create unique content for your website that engages your prospects and clients in your tone.  Consider answering the questions using “I” or “we” so that your content is more personal.

FAQ Best Practices: 

  • Create a link to your FAQ page on your main navigation or home page to help visitors quickly and easily locate it. 
  • Add links from your answers to other relevant pages of your website
  • Link your Contact Page to your FAQ page.  After all, prospects may go to your Contact Page when they have questions.
  • Consider publishing a blog post announcing the launch of your FAQ page. Then share your blog post, and/or your FAQ page on your various social networks – both personal and business. You never know who might have a question about you or your industry. 

Example Q’s and A’s

Do you sell any financial or investment products like annuities or insurance that make you commission?

No!  In fact, I am a “Fee-Only” financial advisor.  The term “Fee-Only” refers to how an advisor is compensated. A fee-only advisor is paid directly by their client, and does not earn commission of any kind for product sales or referrals. It is the only method of advisor compensation that is transparent, objective, and minimizes conflicts of interest. In addition, a fee-only advisor must act in their clients best interest as a fiduciary 100% of the time. 

What does it mean to be a fiduciary? 

Under the fiduciary standard, advisors are legally sworn and obligated to always place the best interest of their client ahead of their own. They must disclose any conflicts of interest, and clearly define how they are paid.  All advisors at <your firm> are fiduciaries.

I do not live in <your town or region>. Can I still work with you? 

Although we are based in <Pittsburgh, PA,> we work with clients throughout the country.  We are not bound by geography when working with you.  We seek out clients who are the best fit for our firm, regardless of where they are located.

Do you work remotely/virtually?  

We work with clients throughout the country using virtual meetings, conference calls, e-mails, secure file transfer, and an integrated suite of client service and financial software. You do not need to be local to partner with our firm.   We have a blog post about our setup, process, and technology for working virtually together, and what you can expect. 

Of course we are happy to meet face to face if you are nearby, and we can travel to meet with you if it makes sense.

Your website says that you specialize in working with entrepreneurs and business owners <your niche here>. I am neither of those. Will you still work with me?

While we have a specific experience and a process for working with business owners, we can likely work with most anyone who values comprehensive and ongoing financial planning. Contact us so we can learn more about each other.

How often will we meet? 

<Describe your policy and process for client meetings>

Where will my assets be held? 

Assets are held at {your custodian}. <give details on why this is important and link to another web page in your site with details> 

What process and timeline can I expect when I become a client? 

<Briefly describe your on-boarding process and link to another web page in your site with details.> 

Do you offer a free consultation? 

We offer a complimentary consultation by virtual meeting, phone call, or in person by appointment. During the meeting, we will discuss (X,Y, and Z), get to know one another, and answer any questions you may have surrounding our services or your financial planning needs. 

I am ready to have a conversation. How do we start? 

<Add contact information here or link to your contact page.> 

One more thought…Is there a question that you wish more prospects would ask?  Add that to your FAQ page!

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About The Author:

Allan Slider

Allan Slider is the Founder of, a one-of-a-kind digital platform that elevates the visibility of fee-only financial advisors, individually and collectively. Fee-Only advisors are ONLY compensated by the client and NEVER make commission by selling financial products, or receiving kickbacks from brokerage firms. Allan is a consumer & investor advocate and a 20+ year veteran of online marketing for financial advisors.

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